
Courage under fire

Where I sit for my morning coffee I look out our front window past the pink roses and manicured lawns and I see a POW/MIA flag hanging on a neighbor's house. It's always there, every season. It never comes down. To me it represents the ultimate sacrifice for ones...

Strength in weakness

Sometimes life is hard. I want you to know, you’re not alone. We all struggle at times and need each other to affirm that "it will all be ok". Not because we are strong, but His strength is made perfect in our weakness.  I have known weakness but thank God, after...

A New Season

If there's anything we can count on, it's change! The weather, the seasons, our lives and relationships. Life is constantly evolving, developing, renewing, changing. On that note... in case you had not heard, the building we used for yoga for the past 11 years has...

God’s Prescription for Anxiety

During this unprecedented time I have to remind myself, that there is nothing new under the sun! We all deal with anxiety and fear at some point in our lives. God says in His word, "Do not fear" over 365 times. That's one for every day of the year! King David had a...

July 2020 Update

Wow, staying on top of this Covid thing is a challenge.  I’m sure you heard about the new mask order. After reviewing the order (attached), I feel like we need to make just a few changes. *We are required to wear masks into the room, but they will be optional while...

February/March 2020 Update

How I love the warmer weather and sunshine! I’m thankful to live in south Texas in the winter!  It was this time of year, 43 years ago that I decided to surrender my life to Jesus and let him teach me how to live it. I don’t mean that I’ve always been perfect at...

October Update

I keep seeing a post on Facebook and I really like, and couldn’t agree with it more! “The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go.” ~anonymous So many times, in life we hold on to things that we should have let go of long ago. It’s so...

James 3:17-18

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers (those who have peace with God) who sow in peace (tranquility) reap a harvest of righteousness....